The Xionggu’s automatic welding machine fearlessly battles the harsh winter and snowstorms!

2024-05-11 15:43:08 www.xg1992.com

Green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver, and so are the icy and snowy landscapes. In the northern province of Heilongjiang in China, known far and wide for its ice and snow sculpture art, the severe cold of winter arrives earlier and lasts longer than in other provinces. By the end of December 2023, many cities in Heilongjiang were already covered in silver, with temperatures dropping to minus 30 degrees Celsius and snow piling up waist-deep.


However, at the groundbreaking ceremony for the natural gas pipeline project from Hulin to Changchun, the scene was quite different despite the extreme cold. The construction site was filled with the roaring of the Xionggusautomatic welding machine, with sparks flying from the welding. The entire project team was full of high spirits and confidence. Despite the unprecedented challenges brought by the harsh outdoor construction environment, they were ready to face them.


Faced with such harsh conditions, the team members did not back down. They rose to the challenge, united and fought against the wind and snow. Despite the difficult construction environment, every staff member showed remarkable perseverance. They were unwavering in their efforts to complete this daunting task. This winter construction battle was not only a severe test for the Xionggusautomatic welding machine, but also a test of the willpower and perseverance of the entire project team. They demonstrated true dedication and hard work through their actions, and wrote a brilliant chapter with their sweat. In such extreme cold, the Xiongguspipeline automatic welding machine successfully and efficiently completed the welding task, ensuring the smooth progress of the project. Its efficiency and stability earned praise and recognition from all the project team members.