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The major Sichuan-East Gas Transmission Project started, Xionggu welding equipment came to help
Sichuan-East Gas Transmission Line 2 Project Starts, Xionggu Pipeline Automatic Welding Machine Helps Construct Energy Arteries
The Xionggu’s automatic welding machine fearlessly battles the harsh winter and snowstorms!
Xionggu ultra-low temperature automatic welding equipment
Xionggu welding machine improves quality and efficiency of water supply projects in Xinjiang irrigation areas
Xionggu pipeline automatic welding machine shines in pipeline network construction
Xionggu pipeline automatic welding machine has played an important role in this pipeline project
The second bid section of the West Fourth Line successfully completed the main line welding task
Xionggu pipeline automatic welding machine makes welding easier and more reliable
Xionggu Pipeline Automatic Welding Machine Information, this section has completed the main welding task!